Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Adeventure

I have decided to embark upon the wonderful world of being an entrepreneur. A businesswoman. I have decided that maybe I should try to make money from all the random things I make all day long. I found a quaint little site dedicated to buying and selling handmade products in an attempt to create a world wide movement. Well. I certainly hope if I were to be part of a movement it would be this one. Yes I like the sound of that. Changing the world, one tailored garment, one painted picture frame, one constructed bracelet at a time.

Here's hoping this isn't just one of those things I get really excited about in the beginning stages and swear by the success it will bring me (cough blogging cough). Okay so blogging wasn't unsuccessful. I just ignore it for long periods of time. I think my problem must be that I am far too unwilling to bear my soul to the internet. I enjoy reading the blogs of those who do.. but in the past when I have tried this it has brought a feeling similar to standing naked on a four lane highway. And god. We can't be funny all the time can we? (Maybe we can.)

1 comment:

nsz said...

hey wiz - let's get those bags on today and see how they go. if nothing else, it will be an excellent experiment.