Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just a reminder of who's in charge

So I am sitting in my favorite computer lab. It's 7 AM, and I am racing to finish a paper that is due at 8AM. I am alone. It's silent. It's beautiful. I am one who enjoys some good silence to accompany me with paper writing. I can actually hear myself think. And then in comes boomingly loud girl with moderately loud boy. "HEY DID YOU FINISH IT YET I DIDN'T AND THE WHOLE ROOM SHOULD KNOW." Then boomingly loud girls walk in and start facebook giggling. I'm sorry. Did you really get up at 7 AM to go on facebook with your bff? Get a hold of your life. The only reason it is okay to get up this early is if there is something pressing to accomplish. Clearly I write the rules of the universe everybody, and don't you forget it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Response to ProfesoraZim

On April 20, 2009 Profesora Zim wrote:

Dear wiz - I have a problem. I have so much school work that I don't care anymore. I hate my job, school, and all I want to do is play with my children and family (including the dog). Did I go back to school too late in life? (and you are the only TRUE wiz in the world!)


First let me thank you for recognizing the authenticity of my nick name. Truly, I am the only Wiz. It sounds like you're in quite a bind! The use of hate was in your post multiple times. It sounds like you are spreading yourself too thin. On top of this, you're letting yourself forget what matters to you most, and why you went back to school in the first place. You probably went back because you love your job, and you want to keep it. It's just that you are stressed out, and it is hard to remember why you love what you do. All you can see are the bad qualities of your situation, which is understandable.

Every morning, just try to look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself why you're doing this. And if you love your job, remind yourself why you do. Never underestimate the impact that "me" time might have on your job, and quality of life overall. What is the point of writing papers half-assed, when you're too tightly wound to do your best? Don't neglect yourself, and make sure you give yourself even 10 minutes each day to do something you love to do that isn't about work. So that's 1. Remind yourself what you're working for, and 2. Don't feel guilty for having fun and de-stressing. Hope this helps!


Thursday, April 16, 2009


You know what? I think it would be fun to have a Dear Abby type of blog. Problem is how do I get something like that established? How do I convince people that its worth their time submitting their problems to a stranger?? I guess the real question here has to do with my future career rather than the blog... But yeah. I'm just saying. It'd be fun.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Can I just say something here? Of course I can. I spend a good portion of my life being annoyed by people who have their headphones up super loud in the library. Like so loud that it is completely audible to me what they are listening to. Or some people have big ass headphones that they hang around their neck (not even on their ears) to serve as mini speakers. And then, I actually saw this kid walking around WITH speakers on his backpack. WHAT.

So today I walk into the library to print something out quickly. And before I can even log onto my computer, this woman grabs my arm, who, I percieve to be a librarian. "You need to turn that down." She commands me with fire in her eyes. Fine you stupid bitch. I said in my head. Seriously? Am I 12? Don't talk to me like that. I am sorry that your husband now finds you unattractive, and that you ended up working in a university library. And that you have fire in your eyes. That is prob pretty painful to say the least. I'd be pissed too. But that doesn't mean you get to talk to me like my second grade teacher did. (Still have bad memories about her.) Where was mega bitch the day the guy with a speaker was wandering around? Where was she the day I had a 10 page paper to write and Mr. I love gospel just couldn't turn the Jesus-o-meter down a tad. HUH??? And I want to add in that this is a room that people talk in, a lot. It's like a group work room. Not a silent reading room. IT IS A NOISY ROOM.

I do accept that it's possible my headphones were too loud. But say it cordially next time, and DO NOT TOUCH MY ARM. hag.