Hello 2010.
I think I have one New Year's Resolution. And that is to write on my blog every single day. Yes, I know only my immediate family members really read it at this point and I am okay with that. And besides... has anyone really ever started a blog...for other people? Post Secret claims to have done this and for a very noble cause I might add...(suicide prevention). But otherwise a blog is really for you, right?
I realized the other day that I used to journal every single night before bed and then I suddenly stopped. I always used to do it because I hoped that my children one day would read it and feel like they could relate to some strange part of growing up that me, in my adulthood, would have long forgotten about. I realized that it was more fun for me to journal to other people- recalling that I would have fun writing my friends and family long letters. I think that blogging can be a nice updated, public, form of what I once enjoyed.
I watched Julie and Julia last night and I liked the idea of coming up with some sort of blogging commitment... but what would it be? I can't do cooking because it has been done. It has been suggested that I start a "Poop Secrets" blog. But I would need to get people to send it in. So on that note... If you have a hilarious/humiliating poop story... please submit it to ekz5000@psu.edu!! Also know you are forfeiting any rights to the presentation of your poop secret... but not your identity. Ready..GO.
Tune in tomorrow for a video demonstration of "How to Knock over a Snowman"- a video never before seen by the public.
Happy 2010.
My passions
16 years ago
1 comment:
ok wiz - i am ready to tell you about my most infamous poopsecret. but first, how do i do it without the world knowing who I am?
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