I always forget that I hate winter. And winter forgets it hates me. I swear I can hear it shudder and groan when I step outside. I almost don't hear it because I am too busy squawking out my disapproval of how cold it is. It's one of those things that never stops surprising me. I think about winter in the summertime and it makes me laugh. How silly that such a cold season could exist. In the heat of July it's hard to believe that such a month as January could really ever greet us. It won't stop snowing. It's been snowing since last Thursday nonstop. At some points it has been flurries, yes, but it still hasn't stopped. I know this is nothing compared to the way New England must feel. But hey, don't they get snow in like May? They' re used to this.
I tried to find a way to love you, winter. I even went sledding. But the ice chunks that flew into my eyes the whole way down made it harder for me to stay positive. I don't think I like being cold and wet- there's just no way around it.
Does anyone really like winter though? I have never heard anyone say, boy I just love wintertime. Sure it's pretty. But if that's all you like about it you can google image wintertime and be just as happy. Just sayin.
My passions
16 years ago
hi miss wiz - i am missing you this am - we could both be hating winter together and doing something about it (like finding jobs in the south!) i still think you and mr dave should look south for employment - in fact, i sent you both something from orlando (and we know that there are lots of old people in florida if that is what you want to do)
wiz - you missed yesterday - you must do two today. and you still have not told me how to answer your new blog anonymously.
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