SO what else does this say about me? I have two conflicting sides? Two personalities? Many colors? One foot like bugs bunny, one plain white? Can't dress myself? Get dressed in the dark? Just don't care? Nothing at all? Well I thought it made a good metaphor. For all of the above are true.
Two conflicting sides, two personalities... well don't we all? We have us, at our best and us at our worst. Our best takes the most effort, but the worst is always using the most effort to knock out the best. Sometimes I feel as though I am a war zone.
Many colors... I like to think of myself as a colorful person. Eccentric, random, with much variety? Yes I would like to think so.
One foot like bugs bunny- My left foot. One plain white- My right foot. My right foot is not my dominant despite being right handed. It is always being injured and sore. And it doesn't fit into shoes right. My left foot is on FIRE. It could take me anywhere and it always fits into shoes. Especially the cute ones that really don't seem to be made for feet but they're beautiful anyway and I try to shove them on my unwilling feet all the same.
And I am the only one with an 8AM so I get dressed in the dark because I don't want to be a jerk and turn on the light in the middle of the night. And I really don't care what I grab for in the darkness and put on, even its a chicken suit (boy was THAT embarrassing).
The end
My passions
16 years ago
1 comment:
you look good in your chicken suit
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