Oh and the only computer you will find will be on the side of the road because someone threw it out because it is useless. My bad, you could actually gut the moniter and make a very indie-scene lookin weird piece of furniture fish tank. I think we should know by now that if we're spelling the word disk with a 'k' there's trouble on the horizon. I mean cmon is it not bad enough that my poor effing computer is now being held together with duct tape? She had to shame me further by handing me a floppy disk. In the computer world this is a hip teen who is prom queen and everyone wants to be friends with. K this is my computer. It's like she was making a jab. Here put this in you old ass computer!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAIMHILARIOUS. Even my grandpa machine laughed at the floppy disk. It was like "Are you crazy? I don't even have a place for you to put that. But try to put it in the disc drive because it would be hilaroius when you got it stuck in there and I broke for the third time this school year. Seriously do that. *falls asleep again*" And then a helpful wizard pops up to aid this process.

What I should have done was put it on my head and said "Thanks for the hat" because it is better use as that then portable information. She is also kind of mean. That's why I am being so harsh. That and I'm a terrible person. Thanks for reading.
Oh my GOD. I love you Liz.
I just dIeD of laughter.
wiz - where DID you get that break your disc wizard? that is marvelously clever!
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