Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Love Thy Neighbor

I was just reading my daily subscriptions. And I glanced over the date. It said Wednesday February 25 and I was like "how did they do that!? It's Tuesday."

And then I was like !oh SNAP! it is Wednesday, and that is how they did it.

I keep losing electronics. Yesterday my phone hid in the couch for a day, and I tried to answer my TV remote. I was like I KNOW I feel it vibrating beneath me somewhere. And it wasn't in any of my pockets. So yeah of course I felt a square plastic object and tried to answer it. My remote was like WATCHU DOIN TA ME FOO. My remote is so gangsta. What, isn't yours?

I read a CRAZY article yesterday. It's pretty relevant to all yall ladies out there. Especially you college attending ones. I think we all live in a fantasy world sometimes, here in college. Thinking that people who need help are in a third world country. Everyone thinks they're gonna change the world. Well maybe that's just the community I've emersed myself in (future social workers). But look in your freaking front yard. The person right next to you (more often than not) is crying inside behind their smile. Because what should we be doing before we graduate and go be idealistic but probably get burned out from our crappy salary? Do what we can, where we can.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Let's Be Honest With Ourselves Here..

I am not very good at keeping up with my blog. I know. I will write every five seconds for a week and then disappear for several years. And by years I actually mean weeks and by a week I actually mean a day or so. Why not just say that in the first place you may ask? Well mostly I wanted to anger you, theoretical blogging fan. It makes sense, you are my only fan, so why not drive you away?! I guess I haven't written much because I haven't felt like my kooky self. Things suck lately and I am trying not to be too terribly honest about it. But given that my boyfriend and brother are the only two people who pass by here I don't think its too emotionally whore-ish of me to admit to on a public posting device. I just feel like saying something outrageous with lots of swears and bad words. Stuff like THE FUCK WORD. Yeah I just said that. I think I got that out of my system. I should probably go back to writing my critical review on "Mothers on the Fast Track." Though I am neither a mother, nor fast and track-ish... I must still endure and write eight bullsh-- I mean pages about it. So giveN that its a book about everything I am not. And I've got nothin to learn from others................ I am prob gonna go burn it now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Socks Never Match

SO what else does this say about me? I have two conflicting sides? Two personalities? Many colors? One foot like bugs bunny, one plain white? Can't dress myself? Get dressed in the dark? Just don't care? Nothing at all? Well I thought it made a good metaphor. For all of the above are true.

Two conflicting sides, two personalities... well don't we all? We have us, at our best and us at our worst. Our best takes the most effort, but the worst is always using the most effort to knock out the best. Sometimes I feel as though I am a war zone.

Many colors... I like to think of myself as a colorful person. Eccentric, random, with much variety? Yes I would like to think so.

One foot like bugs bunny- My left foot. One plain white- My right foot. My right foot is not my dominant despite being right handed. It is always being injured and sore. And it doesn't fit into shoes right. My left foot is on FIRE. It could take me anywhere and it always fits into shoes. Especially the cute ones that really don't seem to be made for feet but they're beautiful anyway and I try to shove them on my unwilling feet all the same.

And I am the only one with an 8AM so I get dressed in the dark because I don't want to be a jerk and turn on the light in the middle of the night. And I really don't care what I grab for in the darkness and put on, even its a chicken suit (boy was THAT embarrassing).

The end

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Everytime I eat eggs it reminds me of this time I was really sick in 2nd Grade. I still really like eggs though.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Disk Diss

I got weaseled into being the membership coordinater for my honor society. When it came time for my adviser to pass off the information for it she handed me a floppy disk. A floppy disk??? Why don't you find me a computer that will open this first, then we'll talk.

Oh and the only computer you will find will be on the side of the road because someone threw it out because it is useless. My bad, you could actually gut the moniter and make a very indie-scene lookin weird piece of furniture fish tank. I think we should know by now that if we're spelling the word disk with a 'k' there's trouble on the horizon. I mean cmon is it not bad enough that my poor effing computer is now being held together with duct tape? She had to shame me further by handing me a floppy disk. In the computer world this is a hip teen who is prom queen and everyone wants to be friends with. K this is my computer. It's like she was making a jab. Here put this in you old ass computer!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAIMHILARIOUS. Even my grandpa machine laughed at the floppy disk. It was like "Are you crazy? I don't even have a place for you to put that. But try to put it in the disc drive because it would be hilaroius when you got it stuck in there and I broke for the third time this school year. Seriously do that. *falls asleep again*" And then a helpful wizard pops up to aid this process.

What I should have done was put it on my head and said "Thanks for the hat" because it is better use as that then portable information. She is also kind of mean. That's why I am being so harsh. That and I'm a terrible person. Thanks for reading.


Sunday, February 1, 2009