The following is a list of things that I am bringing into the New Year
1. A few days ago my computer, with a newly purchased giant hard drive, decided to laugh in my face. Well I shouldn't say my computer really. Specifically it was my computer hinge. Yeah it like exploded. My Dad just looked at it and said, "How did this even happen?" God only knows. It's not even like I was carrying it around by the hinge or something. I was just like you know sitting there using the computer, as I assume the people who made it thought I would do... and it was like IMABREAKRIGHTNOWZZZ. So yeah, number one of the items I am going into the new year with is a new hinge constructed from a strip of duct tape on either side of my computer. New hard drive: $90. Roll of duct tape: $3. Knowing that you can overcome a minor mechanical break if you have absolutely no shame: Priceless.
2. That last sentence is actually number 2. I just realized that other day that I really honestly don't give a damn how other people see me. It felt sooooooooooooo good. I was like... YEAH.. I am just what I am and I don't have to worry about the rest. It was like, the most freeing thing I have ever thought. Unless what I am is like a murderer or someone that runs around making random animal noises in public. But fortunately I'm not. That's right. All I run around screaming is a silent cry of AWESOMENESS from my very being!!!!! (Boy it is hard to convey sarcasm in writing).
3. I just figured out and accepted that I LOVE BEING ALONE and I am okay with this. WHO NEEDS FRIENDS WHEN YOU HAVE BLOGGING. (just kidding again). But really. I used to feel bad about it. I used to be like. Man. Everyone else is at a party. I am doing a puzzle. Man. I am doing a craft. Man. shouldn't I want to go party?? But now I am like... um no. I am doing a craft, or a starcraft (thats for you Pwaul), and you know what that's what I wanna be doing chumpsters. And if I feel like getting exhausted by large groups of people, by golly I'm gonna go power up over a charming puppy and kitty scene in puzzle form. And I am gonna say by golly if I wanna.
5. T shirt clothes. Omg. So Keren, the smartest person ever, bought me the perfect Christmas gift. Which is "108 Ways to Transform a Tshirt." Believe it or not my friends, there are that many things you can do with a few old Tshirts, scissors, and a needle and thread. Incredible. I already made a skirt. And don't judge it til you rock it.
4. Honesty. An old friend that I said farewell to for a time, but have now reconciled with. I've always been the worst liar like ever. But I went through this weird phase last semester where I thought maybe I shouldn't be so honest all the time, esspecially when people don't really want the truth. This idea all but turned me into a bland-please-everyone-cookie-cutter-girl. THANK GOD I figured this out before it was too late. I just pushed a couch in fronta THAT train. Phew.
5. Applesauce. I never knew how much I liked it. It's so cheap and easy too. And it's fruit. Perfect.
This concludes my list of items to carry through 2009. And as for all you phantom readers, I'd love to hear about yours too. Like for instance, an imaginary fan of my blog might have the resolution of "I hope to actually exist so that Elizabeth can have a blog fan." Just simple things like that.
My passions
16 years ago
I must be the imaginary fan who just resolved herself into existence, because I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!
And seriously, from one loner to another, most times puzzles really are more fun than parties. Unless Paul is at said party, because he gives me as many drinks as I want.
Yes, you found my new blogland. I have two actually, you should follow them. What did you think of my story? I haven't written anything in forever, so I'm a little rusty.
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