The worst thing INVENTED. They should be illegal. I am pretty sure my professor even said "This is too early for me. And I'm retired." Yeah you know what happened? The last required class of my major had a 4:15 section that freaking canceled a day before last semester ended, so they moved 80 people to the 8 AM section. And of course, this being my second to last legitimate class schedule... I had no other choice. So they pulled this teacher FROM THE GRAVE and made him teach IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.
I tried to do the real college thing for the first time ever. Rolled out of bed and threw on stretch pants and a sweatshirt. Didn't even brush my hair. I feel like a creature right now. I have two more classes that must witness me like this. I think I might be slightly OCD because it feels like a waste to make myself look presentable if I have already gone out in public. It's like.. they already know. I am not foolin anyone by acting like I have looked decent all day long. As soon as I step outside someone's gonna walk by and yell "I AM IN YOUR 8 AM THAT WAS NOT WHAT YOU WERE WEARING." And I will, defenselessly (for what defense is there?) go back to my apartment, roll in some dirt, and put my lazy outfit back on, thus restoring my creature state.
nice tan in that picture
This post was incredibly cute.
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