Spring Break is the bane of my existence for more reasons than one. I am too poor to go on cool trips. And for some reason Penn State missed the boat and made it the week after everyone elses.. so everyone else is too busy having a real life to cater to my boredom.
It's the calm after the storm. For some reason, every week right before Spring Break, my teachers say "oh crap we're behind" and force us to do more than humanly possible. Hey how about spacing it out before Spring Break...? Just a thought.
Spring break is the time that I quit coffee. Yes, I do get a massive headache if I skip my usual morning cup of coffee. I tried this detoxing process yesterday. It resulted in me sitting in my house, miserable, watching the people's court. Quitting a caffeine addiction + not having cable = misery. Just fyi for any of you that feel like giving that one a try.
It's not even spring. I am so cold right now.
That is all.
My passions
16 years ago
but we had fun today didn't we wiz?
you will be sad when spring is over.
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